Saturday, February 5, 2011


Life has created different paths for each of us. If we look at the evolution it is obvious that some people are meant to have partners and offspring in life. It is just work of nature. Otherwise there would be simply too many of us. It is a subtle way of nature that keeps our tally in order.

There are some people who are meant to be alone and who will not find partners or have children in their lifetime. Sad but true.

The question is can we change this, can we alter the course of nature, or our own destiny? Can we really force something that is not meant to be?

Maybe this is a long shot theory but there is a ring of truth in it if you think about your friends or family who have not been "fortunate" enough to be paired in this life.

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jasna migrated from former Yugoslavia to Australia in 1994. She has completed Bachelor of Arts in Communications, majoring in film and television production at the University of Technology, Sydney. In 2010 she completed Graduate Certificate in Directing at the Australian Film, TV and Radio School. Jasna has been working on a number of short films, documentaries and music videos and is currently developing her first feature film. She has also been working for SBS Television since 2001.

